There is a real work ethic and academic expectation at OSH, and pupils from across a broad range of abilities achieve great results at GCSE and A level. Ofsted think so too, calling the achievements of our pupils ‘outstanding’.
A stimulating academic programme which gets the balance right between innovation and tradition is central to the life of our school. Our curriculum is broad, balanced and very lively. With our dedicated teaching staff on-hand during the school day, we have the right people in place to encourage and support your child’s academic progress and challenge them continually to aim high.
Our teachers are not only dynamic classroom practitioners, they are also experts in their subject areas with authors, doctors, polyglots, explorers, composers, artists and sportspeople amongst them. From our newest recruits to the Headmaster, the teaching staff at OSH are expected to know their subjects inside out in order to impart knowledge, understanding and insight to our students, as well as to encourage and to inspire.

We also have in place boarding staff and mentoring groups to assist, including when our teaching staff are not present. We provide a wide range of GCSE and A level subjects with several notable additions, so whatever our students’ particular skills, interests or future career paths, we have the subjects and staff to support their ambitions.
We understand how important the right combination of subjects is and that’s why we recommend that our students engage with us from the very start of their time in school, and let us help guide their decision making.
Subject choices are only one part of the picture and that’s why we also recognise the importance of learning key skills. Throughout our curriculum, students are shown how to learn efficiently and effectively using different techniques. They will be challenged to solve problems, to work in teams, to manage different kinds of information and to communicate their findings in different ways.

A tailored careers programme complements and supports their preparation for life after school. Finally, we will support and prepare them, so that they grow in independence and resilience. For us, this is as important as examination success because exams cannot by themselves prepare young people for the future.
Our aim remains in-keeping with those of our Founder so that when your child leaves us, he or she may make a genuine impact for the common good.
Our society needs people who can stand on their own two feet and who can keep going, no matter what, and that’s why we aim to stretch, challenge and yet always support our students.