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Termly newsletters:
With student success in and out of school, visiting professionals, concerts and quizzes, there's always plenty to talk about:

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  • Michaelmas Term Newsletter 2023

    Published 21/12/23

    Christmas is upon us once more and what a term it’s been.

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  • Church pews filled with students looking to the alter and beautiful stained glass window with the choir of 30 students and staff looking back at them

    Christmas Carol Service 2023

    Published 15/12/23

    We finish term on a high with our Carol Service at St. Mary’s Church

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  • Year 7 footballers take to Europe

    Published 14/12/23

    Two of our Year 7 footballers have recently represented their club academies in the Premier League Truce Tournament held in Ypres, Belgium.

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  • Remembering Mr. Jenkins

    Published 08/12/23

    Peter Jenkin’s funeral will be held on Tuesday 19th December, 2:50pm at Stourbridge Cemetery and Crematorium.

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  • Arial photo of OSH site at night lit up with street lights, clearly showing boarding houses and sports pitches

    OSH from above

    Published 30/11/23

    Jacob in Year 10 took some incredible photos during his night flying lesson this week.

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  • Ishaan stands a the podium in the dining hall smiling out to students

    Welcome back to Old Foleyan, Ishaan Korotane

    Published 29/11/23

    Today we were visited by Old Foleyan Ishaan Korotane who spent the morning speaking with students on his career in cyber security.

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  • Peter Jenkins

    Published 24/11/23

    We are deeply saddened to share the news that our much-loved colleague Mr. Peter Jenkins has died.

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  • Two female sixth form students smiling and holding their team mascot, a blue teddy bear made of OSH uniform

    Lord Mayor’s Mega Quiz 2023​​​​​​​

    Published 16/11/23

    Four Year 12 students entered the highly competitive Lord Mayor’s Mega Quiz at the University of Birmingham.

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  • Eden is a rising star!

    Published 13/11/23

    Congratulations to Eden in Year 8 who trod the boards this weekend at Wolverhampton Grand Theatre.

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  • Remembrance at OSH​​​​​​​

    Published 10/11/23

    At 11am on the school day closest to 11th November students and staff assemble for an act of remembrance.

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  • Hospice Hero, Scarlett-Rose

    Published 31/10/23

    Congratulations to Scarlett in Year 7 who is been named a Hospice Hero by Mary Stevens Hospice.

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  • Thursday night is pottery night

    Published 14/09/23

    Tonight we launch our new Pottery Club which proved so popular it had to happen twice!

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